Pavlova Hearts

My first attempt at Pavlova was a success!  Usually made as one mound of meringue that is baked, crispy on the outside, soft and chewy on the inside.  I piped out heart shaped forms for individual desserts.  Topped with whipped cream and an assortment of fresh fruit and just a drizzle of passion fruit. Next time I will tint the meringue.  They turned out great!  Pavlova hearts were just perfect for my elegant dessert table.


Turning 70

In celebration of a 70th birthday, Village Sweets made a “70” Birthday Cake.  One of the cakes,  vanilla flavored with an orange cream filling, the other a chocolate cake also filled with an orange cream and both were topped off with big round chocolate roses frosting…  Happy Birthday Roberta!


Banana Cream Cupcake Medley

Village Sweets took a take on Banana Cream Pie and whipped up a medley of Banana Cream filled Cupcakes topped with a Meringue Swirl Brulee and a Banana Cream filled Cupcake with a Meringue Cap dipped in Chocolate…

(Thanx to Craftsy!  The Perfect Cupcake with Jennifer Shea of Trophy Cupcakes).

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Sky High Bachelorette

Village Sweets was commissioned to make an Airplane cake for a bachelorette party.  Woohoo my favorite, making theme cakes!  I hope she was happy with the end result and of course the taste of the moist chocolate cake and buttercream icing.  Thank you Patricia C. !  I hope Andi loved her cake  🙂

Andi's Bachelorette
Andi’s Bachelorette


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Iron Throne Cake

Have you heard of “Game of Thrones”, okay I know….WHO the heck hasn’t.  I must admit, I am an absolute fan of the tv series.  I cannot wait for Sunday (April 6, 2014) to get here so I can just sit and watch the must anticipated season 4 Game of Thrones.  Everywhere I look is Game of Thrones paraphenalia, and I LUVVV it!  So I was more then eager to start this next project in the baking studio…  A Game of Thrones “Iron Throne” cake, of course I added a little extra, like the RED leaves from the Weirwood tree and three Dragon Eggs. This cake better get eaten quickly before those eggs hatch!  

Game Of Thrones "Iron Throne" Cake.
Game Of Thrones “Iron Throne” Cake.
Throne Right Side View.
Throne Right Side View.
Throne Back View
Throne Back View
Throne Left Side View.
Throne Left Side View.

Sugar Shack Sweets

Here in Québec, we are celebrating Sugar Shack or “Cabane à Sucre” time.  My favorite is when hot maple syrup is poured on the snow and we roll it up on a popsicle stick.  Who hasn’t done that!  What a treat.  And the delicious sucre à la crème.  Wonderful time of year for these delicious sweets.  So, I just had to make a dessert that would honor our Cabane à sucre festivities.  I came up with Maple Gingerbread Cupcakes with an OMG sinful Sucre à la crème Frosting…one word about this frosting H-E-A-V-E-N !  I have to say, these are pretty darn tasty.  I added a pretty royal icing pansy for decoration since spring is just around the corner…or is it? 

Maple Gingerbread Cupcakes with Sucre à la crème Frosting...Heavenly !!
Maple Gingerbread Cupcakes with Sucre à la crème Frosting…Heavenly !!

my pretty Royal Icing Pansies can be found on Etsy at Village Sweets

Edible Royal Icing Pansies for decorating your cakes & cupcakes.
Edible Royal Icing Pansies for decorating your cakes & cupcakes.


Peanut Butter Apple Pie Cookies

A new twist on an old favorite cookie.  Ummm the combination sounded great to me.  I have apple slices dipped in peanut butter and it tastes great, so I thought, why not a little apple pie with a little peanut butter cookie?  Peanut butter? homemade apple pie? Yup!  I am going to try it!  I have to say, I quickly gobbled one up almost right out of the oven, oh my! Soooo good.  This will definitely be a new item for Village Sweets cookie list.

Village Sweets Peanut Butter Apple Pie Cookies.
Village Sweets Peanut Butter Apple Pie Cookies.

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A Perfect Day For Baking!

Feels like Fall has definitely arrived.  A little chilly this morning, and seeing I was up very early this morning and the clouds were looming,  I figured it was the perfect day for some baking.  It was a day for Village Sweets to work in the test kitchen and come up with a few frostings that are not sweet but have definite taste.  Buttercream is usually our choice, made of 100% good old fashioned butter, not the artificial stuff.   But it is still on the sweet side.  So the work begins…

7 hours later… I made some vanilla cupcakes, strawberry cupcakes and mocha cupcakes.  I prepared 2 different buttercreams, a swiss style and a cooked style.  I love them both. They are light, and airy and best of all THEY AREN’T TOO SWEET!  DELISH!

Vanilla, Strawberry and Mocha Cupcakes with a Swiss Style Buttercream
Vanilla, Strawberry and Mocha Cupcakes with a Swiss Style Buttercream
Vanilla, Strawberry and Mocha Cupcakes with a Cooked Buttercream Frosting. ummm yummy
Vanilla, Strawberry and Mocha Cupcakes with a Cooked Buttercream Frosting. ummm yummy


Graduation Pleasures

With summer at our door, comes exciting events such as Graduation.  For special occasions we often indulge in special sweets.  Wonderful cakes and delightful cupcakes can make your day even more memorable.  

Wonderful Mocha Cake with a Chocolate Mocha Frosting and Pretty Cascading Flowers.
Wonderful Mocha Cake with a Chocolate Mocha Frosting and Pretty Cascading Flowers.
Lime Cupcakes with a Lime Curd Whipped Filling.  Vanilla Frosting with Toasted Coconut edges and decorated with colorful delicate flowers.
Lime Cupcakes with a Lime Curd Whipped Filling. Vanilla Frosting with Toasted Coconut edges and decorated with colorful delicate flowers.

Contact Village Sweets if you have a special cake or dessert you need.  We can custom order to your needs.   🙂